WAI Global, in conjunction with the University of the Aftermarket Foundation (UAF), have announce the WAI Global/Bill Ernst Memorial Scholarship.

The WAI Global/Bill Ernst Memorial Scholarship will present one $2,500 annual scholarship designated for a student pursuing a career in the automotive aftermarket industry.
The scholarship is available to students in two-year technical college programs and vocational schools and four-year college programs and subject to the same requirements as other UAF scholarships: applicants must be enrolled full-time in a college-level program or an ASE / NATEF (National Automotive Technician Education Foundation) certified automotive technical program.
Graduate programs and part-time undergraduate programs do not qualify.
Bill Ernst was employed by WAI for 20 years as a warehouse manager, account manager and senior account manager. He represented all that was good in a dedicated employee. He was tenacious in obtaining new and retaining current business, driven by what was in the best interest of the company and the customer. He was universally well-liked, and a true pillar of the remanufacturing industry. Applicants should consider these attributes when applying.
Family members, employees, and those with an endorsement from companies in the remanufacturing segment of the industry may receive increased consideration.
Recipients will be chosen by a selection committee appointed by the University of the Aftermarket Foundation (including a representative from WAI Global), using completed electronic applications filed at the Scholarship website, www.AutomotiveScholarships.com and will adhere to the UAF scholarship deadlines for student applications and committee selection/awards.
About WAI
WAI is a premier global parts manufacturer for the automotive, heavy duty, agricultural, industrial, and power sports aftermarket. With world-class parts manufacturing facilities, WAI consistently meets the parts needs of its global customers, under one united goal – to provide customers with the products they need, when they need them. As a leading innovator and premier parts manufacturer, WAI has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to a “first-to-market” strategy and continues to work relentlessly to meet the ever-changing needs of its customers.
For more information visit www.waiglobal.com