We asked some aftermarket professionals who have experience on the delivery front for their best advice.
Their answers are further proof that the delivery driver is one of the most important representatives of the business they deliver for.

Kathryn Jones, who grew up with the family business Bay Auto & Truck Parts Ltd, Barrie, Ont., and is now National Account Manager, Dorman Products, in Portland, Tenn., offers this:
“Best lesson I learned was taking the time to chat with mechanics/service advisors. Build the relationship (which I then went into sales so makes sense there!) I would also take note of competitor products delivered, return shelves (what’s going back where) to always be observant of what’s going on. It ties nicely with the best piece of advice I was given… as a delivery driver you are the face of the jobber, the first line defence for customer service. Always check for returns, be friendly with the customer. I think a good delivery driver can be a great value add for a jobber.”

Sandy Willis has long history as a delivery professional and has bee working for aftermarket parts stores in the Barrie, Ont., region for nearly 10 years. He is currently with Carquest Auto Parts in Barrie, Ont.:
“My best advice is be clean and well groomed, safe and timely with the right item(s), keep conversations brief and fairly neutral. Finally, verbally announce ‘Delivery’, loudly enough that you’re sure someone heard you and preferably receive a verbal acknowledgment of the delivery.”

Sharyn Smith is now working outside the auto parts business, but spent years in the aftermarket, including 11 years at Triline Auto Parts in Brantford, Ont., where she was, among other duties, the driver supervisor:
“I learned how important they are to the face of the business. Always be pleasant as you are the ambassador, the person the customer always sees first.”

Steve Tomascik is now the manager at NAPA Ottawa East, but nearly 20 years ago he was given some good advice as a rookie driver:
“Best advice I was given as a delivery driver, was to always double check what you were delivering to make sure it’s correct and to always meet, smile, and greet.”