Lordco Auto Parts has partnered with Meals For Truckers to sponsor food and facility services for truck drivers across British Columbia.
Lordco Auto Parts has announced its support of the BC Truckers Association’s Meals For Truckers program with the sponsorship of free food truck and restroom facilities services for truckers in select locations across British Columbia during the COVID-19 crisis.
Due to facility and restaurant shut-downs during the COVID-19 pandemic, professional truck drivers have had an increasingly difficult time accessing food, restrooms, and other resources while on the road.

Meals For Truckers was established by the BC Trucking Association (BCTA) to mobilize the food truck industry to bring meals and portable washroom facilities to cardlock locations around the province. To date, Lordco has sponsored meals and facilities at locations in Chilliwack, Kelowna, and Kamloops in April and May.
“Truck drivers and the trucking industry is near and dear to us as a company,” says Sarah Durant, Lordco’s VP of Marketing. “We are very happy to support this incredible program and our essential workers who do so much to deliver everything we need during this challenging time.”
“Thanks to sponsorship for meals from companies like Lordco Auto Parts, the pilot has grown into a practical and heartfelt way to let professional drivers know their work matters and is deeply appreciated,” says Dave Earle, President & CEO of the BCTA. “BCTA’s members join me in thanking Lordco for their incredible generosity, which has benefitted hundreds of truck drivers who’ve received free meals from food trucks at cardlocks in Chilliwack, Kelowna and Kamloops. We’re glad to know that people like Lordco are looking out for trucking.”
Meals For Truck Drivers has partnered with a number of sponsors to provide meals and facilities at locations across British Columbia, from Port Hardy to Fort St. John. The full map of facilities can be viewed at MealsForTruckers.ca.