High Fives for Kids Foundation award recipient says award belongs to many

by | Mar 21, 2025 | 0 comments

Andy Murphy, an aftermarket industry veteran who has also managed to be a leading organizer for charity fundraising, says the High Fives for Kids Foundation Distinguished Recognition Award belongs to the many who help make these initiatives happen.

“I think it’s safe to say that none of us who are accepting awards here today expect any recognition for what we do. We do it because of the great industry that we’re involved in.

“Our fundraising efforts have been very fortunate over the many years to have had a ton of support from the automotive aftermarket, the WDs, the buying groups, the vendors, the jobbers, sales agencies. These are the folks that support our event each and every year.”

The AIA High Fives for Kids (H5s4Ks) Foundation, established in 2005 by AIA Canada, is dedicated to enriching the lives of Canadian children and youth. Through grants and donations, the Foundation supports local charities, ensuring young people have access to the tools, opportunities, and support they need to thrive.

Additionally, the Foundation fosters future talent in the auto care sector by providing annual scholarships to students pursuing education in the industry. 

Speaking at the AIA Canada Auto Care Industry Conference in Toronto, Murphy—whose careers spans a number organizations and is now enjoying what some call an “industry standard retirement”—having retired from Bestbuy Distributors in 2024, he is now working in business development with Modern Sales Co-0p—has been instrumental in organizing an annual golf tournament in Ontario that has raised tens of thousands of dollars for High Fives for Kids.

“Without this support, there is no event. There’s no donation to High Fives. There is no award. I just happen to be the person that kind of helps pull it all together. This award belongs to each of them as much as it belongs to me, and I accept it on their behalf.

“I hope we can continue to count on your support. Also, over the years, we’ve had a number of volunteers who have, as they do, stepped up and help during the event, donating their time and energy, while also contributing to be a part of the day.

“I won’t try to name them all because there’s a pretty good chance I’ll forget someone, and that just wouldn’t be fair. They know who they are. I want to say a big thank you to all of them, and I include them in accepting this award as we say each year at our dinner.

“If the money we raise enriches the life of one child, we have done our job. I’m very proud of the job we have done and the money we have raised for the High Five for Kids.”

In closing he reminded attendees that this year’s Ontario High Fives for Kids / AARO golf tournament is slated for September 4 at Shelburne Golf and Country Club.


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