Word has reached us of the passing of Darrel Gallant, vice president of operations for AIT Automotive Canada, at the age of 60 after a battle with cancer.
For many he was best known as a key contact for AIT and its TrakMotive brand. Customers drew on his deep expertise in the driveline parts sector, developed through his long history in the aftermarket that goes back many years with AIT and previously with King-O-Matic Industries.
Throughout that history Darrel Gallant worked alongside Gord King, president of AIT and founder of King-O-Matic Industries. King considered him more than just a work colleague.
“Darrel was a colleague and friend for more than forty years,” says King. “I was on the road back then and I met him when he was a young guy cutting open torque converters for another company. We got to talking and I guess I saw something because I hired him to work with me at King-O-Matic. He worked his way right up from the bottom. He was self taught and unbelievable in IT.
“He was tied to my hip for more than 40 years and I never had one argument with him in all the at time,” says King, adding that Darrel continued to be committed to the business even as his health suffered.
“Even when he was sick, he was coming in for a few hours. I did not even think about putting somebody in his chair until he told me to go ahead and do it. He just never gave up.
“He was the heart and soul here. He was a guy who could do anything. He touched the hearts of lots of people and he will be sadly missed by friends, co-workers and family.
“He will be missed but never forgotten.”
Darrel is survived by Doreen, his wife of 35 years, sons Dale and Davis, sisters Darleen and Tanya, his brother Ron and as well of many nieces, nephews and friends.
Darryl was a wonderful person. I was dealing with him on the business front and he was a very calm, polite and a thorough Gentleman, when it came to Shipment delays and his upset customers, He really handled the situation so well.
As Mr King has rightly said, ” he will be missed, but never forgotten”.
May he Rest in heavenly peace.
Dear Andrew,
Thank you for the lovely write up about our brother Darrel. March 7th will be a year and I still can’t believe he isn’t here lecturing me about going to the dentist. 🙂 He never complained and rarely said anything about his treatments, so one time after a radiation session, I complained about his lack of information when he just said “I’m fine”. He then responded……. “well let me see, after I fly to the hospital they hooked me up about 9:30 ….. then I had to fly down to Rochester to put out a 7 alarm fire and save nine kids from a boogeyman on my way back in Saint Catherines……. little tough carrying my little stand with the IV.” We miss him so much.
Thanks again,
Darrel’s older sister Tanya