The Automotive Industries Association of Canada is offering aftermarket professionals tools to help advance the right to repair issue as the country heads into the federal election scheduled for September 20, 2021.
With the call of the election, a number of initiatives, in particular bills C-11 and C-272, that would support right to repair across all industries, can no longer move forward.
Two elements are key in the AIA’s offering.
On Tuesday August 24 at 11:00 AM ET, the AIA presents a live webinar hosted by association president J.F. Champagne. He will lay out the the association’s action plan for the election on right to repair, and talk about what Canadians think on this issue.
Register for this webinar HERE
Ce webinaire sera aussi présenté en français le 24 août 2021, à 10 h (HNE). Si vous souhaitez assister au webinaire en français, veuillez vous inscrire ici.
The association has also prepared a letter that can be sent to federal candidates with information about the automotive aftermarket and detailing the right to repair issue.
The letter is can be found at the AIA’s Election Page