The Automotive Industries Association of Canada’s has rebranded its youth group as the Young Professionals in the Aftermarket, moving away from the Young Executive Society name.
Jobber Nation reached out to Bradley Cochrane the group’s chair–and newly the Director of Sales Operations for NAPA Canada–to find out what’s behind the change.
Where did the impetus for the change come from?

The main reason for the change was to be more inclusive to all young professionals, or aspiring young professionals in the aftermarket. The Young Executive Society (YES) name has turned some young people away from participating in our events and sharing their voice as they think “I’m not an executive”. It was agreed that a name change could help us re-brand the group and assist with attracting new young people to participate and get engaged.
What does the group hope to convey with the name change?
We hope to increase awareness, continue our growth & attract more young professionals across the Aftermarket to join our cause. The new name fits well with our tagline “Leadership for the aftermarket of the future!”.
What does the new name signal to those working in the aftermarket in Canada?
The Young Professionals in the Aftermarket encourages the engagement and collaboration of the future leaders of our industry. We want to provide a forum for the next generation to share their ideas and insight on how we can ensure a long and prosperous future for the Aftermarket.
What programs does the group offer that you’d like the aftermarket target group like to be aware of?
The YPA hosts several leadership & networking events throughout the year. If you’ve never attended an event hosted by the AIA or the YPA we encourage you to…and if you have, we hope to see you again soon! Be sure to visit the AIA website regularly for a listing of upcoming events
Congrats to AIA and all the aspiring leaders involved in this initiative. The name change will further strengthen this important element of the industry and encourage more youth to learn and participate