More than 250 members of Canada’s automotive aftermarket gathered for the 45th consecutive year at the Shad’s R&R industry charity event, breaking the $5 million mark for contributions to muscular dystrophy research.

More than 250 members of the automotive aftermarket gathered at the annual event to raise funds for muscular dystrophy research.
A $175,000 total was logged for this year’s edition of what is among the largest and most respected fundraising events for both Canada’s automotive aftermarket and the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada.
The event, held north of Toronto also served as an opportunity for aftermarket attendees to learn more about how the fundraiser has helped in real ways to advance research into muscular dystrophy treatments as well as the challenges that continue to push researchers.

Barbara Stead-Coyle, CEO of the MDAC.
On hand with this in mind were Barbara Stead-Coyle, CEO of the Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada (MDAC), and Dr. Cynthia Gagnon, a researcher at the University of Sherbrooke.
Stead-Coyle was effusive in her thanks to the Shad’s R&R, “$5 million dollars for an charity of our size is truly, truly remarkable,” while Gagnon spoke at length about the many challenges facing researchers, including keeping track of ongoing research. Gagnon drew a vivid parallel to the aftermarket: “When you get a call for a timing gear, you don’t go to the back and look to see if you have the right part; you would, I hope, have a computer system you can check to see if you have it in inventory. ” Researchers have similar challenges in keeping track of research findings from around the world.

Dr. Cynthia Gagnon drew a vivid parallel between the aftermarket and the challenges researchers have in keeping track of the “inventory” of developments.

This year’s event raised $175,000.
Next year’s event will be held June 13, 2019 at Station Creek Golf & Country Club, Gormley, Ont.