AAPEX 2019 will host several events to educate and activate the automotive aftermarket industry in the fight for access to and control of vehicle data through the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. consumer education campaign.
AAPEX represents the $1 trillion global automotive aftermarket industry and will take place Tuesday, Nov. 5 through Thursday, Nov. 7, at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas.
AAPEX co-owners – the Auto Care Association and the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA) – recently announced a strategic partnership to focus on the Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. campaign, which was created to engage car owners, policymakers, and other stakeholders on car data – what it is, why it matters, and its implications for consumer choice.
Without control of and access to the diagnostic and repair information wirelessly transmitted from vehicles, consumers could face increased cost and inconvenience, jeopardizing the future of the automotive aftermarket and forcing consumers to pay more for car repairs.
AAPEX events include a panel discussion on vehicle data and the aftermarket’s role in protecting consumer choice. Panelists are Jim Dykstra, CEO, Dytech Auto Group; Chris Blalock, director of product management, Dorman Products; Daniel Massey, PhD, director of technology, cybersecurity and policy program, University of Colorado Boulder; and Clay Millican, driver of the Parts Plus Top Fuel Dragster. They will discuss the current vehicle data landscape within the auto industry, highlight the steps needed to ensure a level playing field and a healthy aftermarket ecosystem and express what consumers can do to demand access and control of their vehicle data. The panel discussion will be held from 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m., Nov. 6, on the Let’s Tech stage, Sands Expo, Level 2, Upper Lobby.

In the Technology of Tomorrow section, Booth 31021 (Venetian Ballroom, Level 2), the Auto Care Association will demonstrate implementation of recently approved international standards, showing that direct, local access to vehicle data can be secure, safe and authorized by vehicle owners.
In the Sands Expo, Level 1 Lobby, Parts Plus and Your Car. Your Data. Your Choice. will present Clay Millican, six-time Top Fuel World Champion in front of the sponsored campaign wall. Millican will invite attendees to take photos with his dragster and sign the petition for access to vehicle data on Nov. 5 (2:45 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.), Nov. 6 (10 a.m. – 11 a.m.) and Nov. 7 (1 p.m. – 2 p.m.)
AAPEX is asking all attendees to sign the petition in support of access to vehicle data, either at the show (Sands Expo, Level 1 Lobby) or online at yourcaryourdata.org.
With more than 2,500 exhibiting companies, AAPEX is the showcase for the latest products, services and technologies that keep the world’s 1.3 billion vehicles on the road. More than 48,000 targeted buyers are expected to attend, including automotive service professionals, auto parts retailers, warehouse distributors, service chains, automotive dealers, fleet buyers and engine builders. Approximately 162,000 automotive aftermarket professionals from 126 countries are projected to be in Las Vegas during AAPEX and the SEMA Show.
AAPEX is a trade-only event and is closed to the public.
AAPEX is co-owned by the Auto Care Association and the Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA), the light vehicle aftermarket division of the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA). For more information, visit www.aapexshow.com or e-mail: info@aapexshow.com. On social media, follow AAPEX at #AAPEX19.