AAPEX 2022 announced winners of the New Product and New Packaging Showcases, serving as launchpad for products making their debut at this year’s event.

Entries were judged electronically by pre-registered buyers who viewed the products in the AAPEX Product Plus magazine.
Entries with the most votes were named Best New Product in each of nine categories.
The winning entries are:
Accessories & General Merchandise: Scrubblade Inc., Scrubblade Shade Blade;
Appearance Chemicals & Car Care: Kafko Int’l Ltd., Overnight Stain Remover for Concrete & More;
Automotive Lighting: Brown & Watson International, ULTIMA Explora Double Row 22″ Light Bar, #LB-72282-1;
Business Tools & Service: TOPDON USA INC., AR Glasses;
Chemicals, Lubricants & Filters: Prestone Products Corporation, Prestone Max Ready to Use and Concentrate Antifreeze + Coolant;
Hard Parts: Robert Bosch LLC, Bosch Tire Pressure Monitor Sensors (TPMS), Booth A4409
Safety: ITW Global Brands, Slime Deluxe Emergency Roadside Kit;
Technology: Baccus Global LLC, DeWalt DXAEOBD 1 Amp Battery Charger & Battery Maintainer;
Tools & Equipment: Brown & Watson International, PROJECTA Intelli-Start 12V Lithium Jumpstarter, #PJ-IS1500-1.
The AAPEX 2022 New Packaging Showcase features the latest and most innovative packaging designs and concepts in the automotive aftermarket. Entries also were judged electronically by pre-registered buyers who viewed the products in the AAPEX Product Plus magazine.
Entries with the most votes were named Best New Packaging in each of five categories.
The winning entries are:
Environmental Impact: Liqui Moly USA Inc., 20L Plastic Container;
Innovation: XToolUSA, Nitrous Keys Build-A-Key Set;
Marketing: CRC Industries, Inc., CRC Guaranteed to Pass Emissions System Cleanerl
Performance: Berryman Products, Inc., Berryman B-33 Engine Degreaser;
Protection: AutoTex/Clix Wipers, Clix Silicone+.
This year’s awards were presented by Bill Hanvey, president and CEO, Auto Care Association, and Paul McCarthy, president and CEO, Automotive Aftermarket Suppliers Association (AASA). All entries were on display at AAPEX in the New Product and New Packaging Showcases in The Venetian Ballroom. Entries also were included on the AAPEX Mobile App and on the AAPEX website www.aapexshow.com